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American Silver Eagles

American Silver Eagles

The American Silver Eagle coins were introduced in 1986 and have continue their long run through present day. These silver bullion and silver bullion proof coins are of exceptional quality.
"Back in the 1970s when I liked silver over gold, there was ten times as much silver above ground as there was gold. Despite that, we made twice as much money on silver as we did on gold. Now the ratio has changed. Industrial use has so depleted our silver inventory that US government now owns none. There is six times more gold above ground than silver, which is by far the scarcer of the two metals. So why is gold many times more expensive than silver? Because 99.9% of the people in the world think gold is much rarer than silver. But they are wrong, dead wrong. Sooner or later the supply/demand equation will favor silver and narrow the pricing gap between the two metals." …(Howard Ruff)
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